Chiropractic is an approach to health care that relies on the body's inherent and natural recuperative powers -- a healing science that places emphasis on maintaining the structural integrity of the body -- a method of healing treatment that is conservative and that does not use drugs or surgery.
Chiropractic is the second largest of the three primary health care provider segments in the United States. In order of size, based on the number of practitioners and public use, they are the medical, chiropractic and osteopathic branches of the healing arts. The chiropractic approach to human health is based on the premise that the relationship between structure and function in the human body is a significant health factor and that relationships between the spinal column and the nervous system contribute to the disease process.
A doctor of chiropractic (D.C.) is a physician who considers man an integrated being but gives special attention to spinal mechanics, musculoskeletal, neurological, vascular and nutritional relationships.